Sunday, 31 October 2010

Almost Week 3 - studio update


I have been a very busy bee this week (hurrah for time off work... if I were able to find the money to quit my job entirely, that would make me a very happy bee as well)!

Anywho, on to business:

3. make the hot air balloons which I have now finished designing
4. finish painting the butterdish
5. continue working on final designs of the embroidered badges
6. tidy my studio

1. make up and send out orders
2. make bunting for first day back at school

Now, it might look as though I have only done two of the 6 things listed above, but oh how wrong you can be... take a look at my studio:

I know it's still not completely done, and the other side of the room is still pretty cluttered, but a vast improvement, non? So I know I have been rubbish and not done the other stuff, but I have been so busy making my pretty little nest that I didn't think anyone would mind too much ;)

I'm a very proud bee now :)

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