Sunday, 14 November 2010

Phew, that was quick!

Sorry for posting again today... but I have completed number 1 on my list for the week:

1. write thank you letters for all my lovely birthday gifties


And here are some pics, since I made awesome thank you cards, not normal rubbishy ones ;)

Are we on Week 4 or Week 5? Who knows!

Either way, here is the update:

1. finish painting the butterdish
2. continue working on final designs of the embroidered badges
3. make birthday cakes/food for party
4. design paper E for Dave
5. make birthday hat for party
6. tidy my studio

Woohooooo! Loads of stuff ticked off!

And just in case you wanted to see my birthday hat, here it is:


Anywho, onwards: I know it's a bit naughty, but those bloomin' embroidered badges are the bane of my existence and I am going to remove them. I know that's not quite in keeping with what this is all about, but I really don't want to think about them, and I'm still not sorted on how I want them to look or anything, so I'll re-add them at some point.

So, my new challenges for the week are going to be:

1. write thank you letters for all my lovely birthday gifties
2. make a pretty card for my very kind cousin Cecily
3. finish that bloomin' butterdish
4. work out a proper daily stretches to stop my poor neck from hurting so much
5. find some kind of pilates class or some kinda class I can do, or start an exercise regime
6. maintain studio tidiness and further organise where necessary

Wish me luck!

I'm back, hurrah!

Oh dear, Vixie has been an ill bunny :(

But I'm back now and I have one hell of an update to write... let's see where we left off...

1st November update would have looked like this:

3. make the hot air balloons which I have now finished designing
4. finish painting the butterdish
5. continue working on final designs of the embroidered badges
6. tidy my studio

So only one thing got done off that list, and they didn't even turn out very well, so I'm going to remove it from the list and try it again once I have worked on some different designs.

The remainders and additions for the week of 2nd Nov were:

1. finish painting the butterdish
2. continue working on final designs of the embroidered badges
3. make birthday cakes/food for party
4. design paper E for Dave
5. make birthday hat for party
6. tidy my studio

I spent days and days making my studio look lovely, so that one is being good and proper ticked off for the week. There's still lots of work to do, but it's looking millions better:

And here is the rest of my upstairs, which is also looking super duper good:

I love my flat, it is the awesomest :)